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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

10 things about me.

1. I'm an earthworm, always hiding under the ground.
2. I'm a bookmark, only used when i'm useful. Otherwise, I'll be lying under my master's bed.
3. I'm one of the guitar strings. If you play me too hard, I'll snap.
4. I'm like a knife. I need to be sharpen once in a while, to keep going on.
5. I like rainbows, they're so colourful. And I like colourful stuffs.
6. I'm like a dog. Loyal and patient.
7. I'm a cactus. Thorny and "tahan lama"
8. I'm a hamster. Trapped in my master's cage for the rest of my life, being watched 24/7.
9. I'm a macbook. Strong and healthy from viruses.
10. I'm a pillow. Always comforting the ones I care :D

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