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Monday, September 12, 2011

Beautiful Websites


This is an epicly COOL website.
They have like 6 different themes & navigation, although the waiting time to get to another theme/navigation is like, kinda long, but i think it's worth it.

Art is awesome. And the music of course.
Background is nice.

And not to mention, their interactions are fun as well.
Everything in the background is not clickable, only that huge pole in the middle, everything is clickable inside.

I find it great cause you won't be lost or something.
Some websites make me lost cause I tend to play too much on their interactivity rather than getting the information i want. :/

ALL info for that navigation are placed well.
There's this LEFT & RIGHT arrow to change navigations.

Epicly fun and nice =D


This website is beautiful in realistic in a way but graphical (don't really know what i'm talking about) 

Hearing: It has this jet or plane buzzing around with the graphic as well , gave me this sense of reality 

I like how the navigations connect to each other.
They're all like in a scroll page, all in one page.
Let's say I choose another navigation, it rolls to that part and stops there.
Art style is wonderful :) 

The only thing I can play with is that HUGE board sign on the most left. Rollover effect, lights goes on with sound. :|

Definitely a minimalist. 
Everything is straight to the point. 
Not much fun interactivity. 
I like the labels though :) 

Contents are neat and straight in a way. 
Everything is in simplicity and I find it beautiful in a way.

Just one complain, background a lil too white haha. 

This one, nothing much.
One thing i like about is that interactivity part with the house. 
You can click next to look at different houses being situated in some Garden or location.
Although location doesn't change, yeah but I can see the housee. =D

Like the leafy frame. Gives me a very homey, gardeny, relaxing feeling. Exactly how i want my home to feel like :) 

 This is really not much haha.
Something fun to see: that flash clip ontop. 

Something i like: The colour scheme

This is like another bloggy kind of website to me :|

This is more to simplicity kind i guess.

0 breaths:

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