Heads up!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ideas coming along

Number One.

How to become a Youtube Sensation.

Who am I - A famous Youtuber
My target Audience - People who wants to get famous on Youtube
For what - To teach others being famous on Youtube
Tasks - 1. Choose field ( eg: Comedian)
            2. Gather Materials
            3. execution

Outcome: Millions of Views!
Showcase: Nigahiga

Number Two.

How to Lie.
Who am I -  the lie Guru
My target Audience - People who can't lie
For what - Build Confidence / Make life easier
Tasks - 1. Know what you're going to lie about
            2. Come up with excuses / lies
            3. Execute, say it.

Outcome:  A believable Lie.

Number Three.

How to make handcraft things.
Who am I - Handcraft Guru
My Target Audience - People who wants to learn handcraft - all ages
For What - To promote handcraft among people in Malaysia.
Tasks - 1. Define what craft you want to make ( a list to choose from)
             2. Gather Materials
            3. Execute

Outcome: www.facebook.com/tinypinc

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