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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Interesting websites!


I just love the style of this website used.
And, there's one incredible thing : YOU CAN CHAT WITH OTHER USERS ONLINE.
We can Jump, Fly, Run, Dance and so on haha.
It's something very cool and new to me.
And you can customize your character as well!
Oh, there's sound effects too haha :)

I just love the interaction thingy :)


I like this website's concept.
This website is about a company selling ovens.
Loading of the page is cool - Preheating Oven 10%

When you get in, you can choose to cook up some dishes, okay, let's say you're cooking,
and you get to see the features of the oven as well.
Well, obviously selling the oven, and showing you what you can cook with the oven as well!
Very smart :)

This website shows this office environment, if you scroll over, sound effects will appear :)
It's just like real people right infront of your eyes. Very Interesting.

0 breaths:

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